Strength and Conditioning for Home Gym Athletes

You bought the gear, we provide the programming.
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Functional Fitness Tailored to You

Training that can be done in your garage gym, basement or backyard.

There are five new workouts every week posted daily. The programming follows a logical framework for variety and intensity.

Optimal dose of weightlifting and relative high intensity workouts to improve your fitness without leaving your body destroyed.

Train the classic heavy lifts and perform varied functional movements to become a well-rounded, physically formidable human.

Workout of the Day

  • Wednesday 241016

    For time:
    800 m run
    50 push-ups
    40 toes-to-bars
    800 m run
    40 push-ups
    30 toes-to-bars
    800 m run
    30 push-ups
    20 toes-to-bars

    Score: total time needed to complete the workout. Today’s is a long grinder stamina conditioning. Start the runs at a lower pace and increase speed gradually . Partition the push-up and toes-to-bar as needed but don’t take long rests. You should be able to finish under 25 minutes.
    Load: body weight.
    During warm-up work on your toes-to-bar progression or if you want practice handstand and handstand push-up variations.

    – Run: (1) 40/34 calories air bike (2) 1.000/800 m row.
    – Push-up: (1) ring push-up (2) push-up on box (3) kneeling push-up.
    – Toes-to-bar: (1) knees-to-elbows (2) weighted sit-up with a plate (3) V-up.

    Warm-up Routine

What is included in GARAGEGRIT?

  • Daily workouts with instructions.
  • Warm-up Routine.
  • Access to previous workouts.
  • Movement options for all skill levels.
  • Post your score and track your results.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does GARAGEGRIT cost?

GARAGEGRIT is a fitness platform under development and the access to the program is unrestricted and free at this time. All you need to do is to create an account to track your scores.

Who is GARAGEGRIT for?

For everyone who wants to train to live a good life and not the other way around. GARAGEGRIT is for you if you want to follow a simple, time efficient workout program which makes you strong and fit to live an active lifestyle. The program is specifically designed for athletes who built a small home gym and want to maximize their time and equipment so functional fitness can be a daily habit in their life.

What equipment do I need?

All you need is a weightlifting barbell with plates, a pair of dumbbells, a pull-up bar, a squat rack, gymnastic rings, a bench (also to step or jump on), an air bike (Assault bike or Echo bike), some rubber bands and exit to run outside (or a treadmill). GARAGEGRIT workouts are optimized to limited floor space, low ceiling and a handful of equipment. Some of the workouts can even be completed in a street workout park or on a sport field.

Are GARAGEGRIT workouts randomly varied?

Not at all. The GARAGEGRIT strength and conditioning program is built on a 4-week macro- and a 5-day micro cycle providing framework to the variance. The template structure ensures that in every week there is one heavy weightlifting day, one barbell cycling or heavy conditioning session, one bodyweight conditiong and two-three classic, so called multi-modal conditiong workouts. Movements are tactfully selected to ensure that workouts provide the best stimulus to improve all aspects of physical abilities over time.

Do I have to work at maximum intensity during every workout?

Absolutely not! Our goal is to build you up not to beat you up. GARAGEGRIT workouts are carefully structured so you can work in the threshold where the magic happens, without burning out. That high intensity is relative to how you actually feel that day. Read the workout instructions, listen to your body during warm-up and choose the right option of that day. The aim is to work smart so you can come back and train again tomorrow.

Do GARAGEGRIT workouts include high skill movements?

No. You will not be required to walk on your hands, do pistol squats, fly through a dozen unbroken ring muscle-ups or squat snatch your body weight multiple times. We leave that to the professional athletes. GARAGEGRIT programming does include however all the basics you need for becoming a powerful human being with well rounded physical abilities. If you want to spent some time and attention on practicing higher skill movements, GARAGEGRIT workout instructions gives you guidance when to integrate them into your warm-up.

I skipped a workout. What to do?

Just show up in your home gym tomorrow and do the workout of the day. Life happens and skipping a workout now and than is inevitable. But make sure it does not become a regular habit.

Become a GARAGEGRIT Athlete

Follow a smart and simple workout program.

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